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16 January, 2012

I make effort not to spend too much time in thought; but, there have been moments in which I brood about how this cancer episode attacked me.
Was it something I ate or not eaten?
Was it something I did or not do?
Was it something in the environment?
I do know if I spend too much time brooding about it, I am certain it it affect my health in a seriously negative way.

I am grateful it was found in time.
I am grateful for the medical technology to fight back.
I am grateful to God for sparing my life.
I am grateful for family and friends.

15 January, 2012

I tried on several occasions to continue the chronology of events from the initial discovery of the prostate cancer to the time of my surgery. I am here to say that was a quiet failure. I have decided to simply recall the events in random order as I am in the mood to write about them. I will also write about stuff that is on my mind for the moment, day, week. I felt rather bad that I was not more diligent in any of my three blogs. I intend for this year to be much better in regards for my writing.

It has been 510 days since I had the surgery to remove my prostate. I am so grateful to be alive and I am sorry that I have not shown better sense of gratitude. I intend for this year to be much better in regards for my writing.